Patent databases :
NSL provides access to international patent databases viz., Derwent Innovations Index (DII), Delphion, WIPS, Questal, etc.
Derwent Innovations Index (DII)
Provides Web access to patent records (Bibliographic and abstract) with links to cited and citing patents, cited articles, and full-text patent data sources in the fields of :
Chemical Sciences – 1963 – present;
Electrical and Electronics – 1963 – present;
Engineering - 1963 – present.
One can search more than 14,600,000 patent records by topic, inventor, patent number, and more
Questel enables to conduct highly sophisticated searches on an extensive collection of patent databases, from the world’s major patenting authorities and information providers e.g. FamPat Plus, Derwent, WIPO, USPTO, China, France, Germany, Japan, PCT, EPO, GB (United Kingdom), etc. Questel offers various following services:
PatentExaminer: a powerful patent portfolio management system with analysis and organizing capabilities, and data encryption for secure data transmission and access.
QPAT: a powerful, flexible and patent search to keep up with the requirements of the growing number of patent information users
Qweb :is the professional user’s gateway to an expansive suite of the world’s renowned patent information collections. Its easy interface, combined with powerful search and analysis functions.
SearchPat : Provides Basic and complex Prior Art Search, Assignee / Inventor Search, Equivalence / Family Search, Backward and Forward Citation Search, Competitive Intelligence Search, etc.
Computer Trademark Search: This comprehensive search includes keyword, brand/owner, trademark variation/history and complete display.
Trademark Logo / Design: This focused search helps one to find a specific logo or design.
Current Awareness Search on a particular technology, company or industry in order to monitor a competitor's patent and trademark, follow technology developments, as well as market trends.
Pat Legal Monitor, an easy-to-use alerting service which automatically notifies users of any changes made in patent families, legal status and file histories from various patent offices. Types of actions monitored include legal actions related to published patent applications and granted patents during their prosecution and opposition.
Worldwide Intellectual Property Search Database (WIPS)
Provides Online patent search service from worldwide patent databases of US, Europe, WIPO, Switzerland (CH), Germany (DE), France (FR), and United Kingdom (GB), Japan (JP), Korea (KR), China (CN), International Patent Documentation Centre (INPADOC).
SDI e-mailing Service and sends newly updated Patent Information by e-mail to registered users
Patentability search (Prior Art Search) to ascertain whether other similar inventions already exist or not. The search aids to survey the products which have been previously filed with patent offices.
Invalidity search to collect references to invalidate competitors' patent
Patent infringement Search to answer whether client has infringed the patent rights of others or vice versa. The clients can use the information to set strategies for possible countermeasures.
Theme Search e.g. Applicant, inventor Search, Patent Family Search, Status Search, etc.
Advanced Strategy Reports and Patent Maps to look at the R&D trends of similar technology and the present situation of related patents and technology possessions in the market in order to establish strategies for the R&D or market penetration. Offline Trademark searches to determine a mark might be registerable